There is cry we listen every where now-a-days that girl children are missing. They are just not missing after they are born; they are missing after their appearance in the womb. Female fetus is medically demolished in the womb. Had it been not so, the male-female ratio would not show a wide gap.
The practice of medical termination of pregnancy with female fetus is done in the educated well-to-do families, by the educated & advanced parents and this one again establishes that women are less than equal, less honored as human beings. The issue is quite big. However, with our limited support & resource we tried to educate the middle class populace in our area on the issue with a word of warning for the future. Women’s right activists, medicos and educationists (Dr. S. Panda, Mrs. B. Dash & Mrs. S. Mallick, Mr. B. N. Mishra) were invited as resource persons to apprise & educate on the importance of the issue.

Phone number

+91 9438850416

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Address info

At/P.O.: Hakimpada Angul, Odisha India-759143