Ujjawala (Prevention)
Basically a programme to prevent women and children being trafficked for sexual commercial abuse, the intervention focuses Angul district. Angul being a highly industrial area, the incidence of women trafficking is on rise. As a control measure, VIRD has sensitized the community members on keeping a watch on the trafficking and formed Balika Mandals and other forums to curb the menace.

Women & Child Development Department, Government of India has been extending financial assistance to VIRD since 2001 to run the Swadhar Home. The objective of the Home is to provide shelter for a limited period to distressed women and girls.
Follow up programs are conducted to assess the present status of rehabilitated residents. The rehabilitated residents receive counselling, legal support, weekly health checkups, youth education, literary classes, food and clothing. The residents are also given training in various programs such as tailoring, broom making, cooking, and garden activities. The women have been collectivized into Self Help Groups for enabling them to earn and save money. Legal assistance in the form of drafting petitions, registering cases at police stations, and preparing agreement documents is also provided. In some instances, the organization takes the case directly to the court.

Women Help Line
The organization started Help Line Programme under Swadhar Scheme with the financial assistance of Govt. of India in the Ministry of Human Resource Development, Dept. of Women & Child Development. Three lady social workers have engaged as operator for managing the programme. 24 hours service is provided by these 3 Social workers @ 8 hours each/ shift. Women living with difficult circumstances are being rescued and provided shelter at Short Stay Home functioning at HQ. premises of VIRD. The clients are provided primary need of shelter, food, clothing, emotional support, counseling and rehabilitated them socially/ economically through education skill up-gradation / vocational training. They are also supported by linking and net-working with other organization in both Govt. & Non-Govt. sectors on case to case basis. During the year under report (20010-11) 1075 cases of different categories have been registered and taken appropriate action for reprisal of their problem.
Empowering Tribal Women through Civil Society Organizations and Panchayatiraj Institutions
The National Council for Rural Institutes (NCRI), Hyderabad was pleased to sanction the above titled project to VIRD which culminated in September 2011. The project was implemented in 10 villages of Deogarh district and the activities undertaken in the project were:
- Training to Women SHG members on participation in Palli Sabha & Grama Sabha (25 women from each village 10 villages)
- Panchayat Level Sensitization Camp on NREGA, RTI and Social Audit
- Capacity building Training to PRI members on Labor Budget
- Developing of IEC materials (Pamphlets, Wall Writing & Posters) on NREGA,RTI & Govt. Schemes
- Exposure of Women PRI Representatives and Women federation members
- Interactive Workshop with Govt. Officials, PRIs, CBOS, NGOs on NREGA at Block level
- Block Level Workshop on Women issues
- Workshop on Women & Governance
- Stakeholders meeting on Labour budget

Community Based Backyard Poultry Farming
With support from Sankalp, a USA based organization; VIRD implemented the programme Community Based Backyard Poultry Farming in 10 villages of Deogarh district. 364 farmers and 200 women; who were resolved into SHGs were imparted training and basic input to take up advanced agriculture as well as backyard poultry farming.
Enhancing the Livelihood of the Marginalized Section of the people through a process of Empowerment
PPI, a USA based organization dedicated to Progress for People in India supported a livelihood programme through economic empowerment of rural women. The trade was also selected in consideration of many factors, adaptability of the target group; marketing in the locality, cost effectiveness etc. The project carried the following objectives and was implemented in 10 villages of 4 Grampanchyats in Angul block of Angul district.
- To make the target aware of the concept of self-help
- To organize and strengthen self-help groups.
- To train the target group to identify suitable economic activities
- To provide necessary support on a revolving basis
- To make the people aware regarding their rights and duties
Women-led Agriculture Based Livelihood Promotion
Women led livelihood promotion project seeking livelihoods enhancement through promotion of Vegetable Cultivation and promotion of Goat Rearing has been implemented in Mahidharpur & Serenabeda villages in Angul district of Odisha.
The project initiative began with Community Mobilization and collectivization of women swarozgaries into “Women Farmers’ Group” and “Women Swarozgaries’ Group”. Women farmers and swarozgaries have been oriented on Group Norm & Book Keeping, provided input support for Vegetable Cultivation and support for Goatery. “Training on Government Schemes and Organic Farming” has been facilitated by Deputy Director, Horticulture, Angul and Agriculture Officer, Banarpal, Angul and “Training on Goat Rearing” by Veterinary Officer, Banarpal.
Training on “Marketing of Forest Produce as Group Venture” was facilitated by a social activist engaged in promotion of marketing of forest produces. Women were oriented on maintenance of practices of cleanliness and hygiene in collection, primary processing and storage of Mahua. They were oriented on the benefits of Collective Marketing (Marketing as a Group Venture) so that they will have the bargaining power against the petty traders.
Skill Building
Skill building is an important focused activity of the organization under livelihood program. VIRD with support from development support agencies has undertaken Skill Building Trainings for the differently able youths. Skill Building Trainings on Mobile Phone Repair and Computer have been undertaken by the organization in Mahidharpur. 60 youths have been trained on Mobile Repairing and Computer providing opportunity of employment and self-employment to the trained youths.
VIRD has undertaken training of women on livelihood skill creating opportunity for them to contribute to family income and to make them self-reliant. With the Support of Sita Ram Jindal Foundation, New Delhi trainings of women on Mushroom Cultivation, Agarbati Making and Candle Making have been organized.
Rural Tribal Women Support Programme
VIRD is dedicated to raising the income and self-esteem of poor tribal women through micro entrepreneurship in Angul District, Odisha, India. Women from the project area are covered under different initiatives including training on savings and credit, group management, and general business skills, along with specific trades such as live stock management, nurseries, vegetable cultivation, agriculture allied activities and micro entrepreneurship skills. Bankers, horticulturists, agriculturalists, veterinarians, local government departments, and other agencies imparted training to them for their capacity building. We also formed sub groups consisting of 5 to 6 members, who then selected two needy women for financial support. Accordingly, a number of women from sub groups have taken financial support from the project to facilitate income generation activities like goat rearing, cow and bullock rearing, kitchen gardening, the collection and sale of minor forest produce, etc. Post involvement in different entrepreneurship activities, they are able to substantially boost their financial contribution to their family. Through improving collective savings and group work in their respective villages, they are regularly sending pupils to school, receiving health care when ill, avoiding alcohol, and participating in the village development process.
Women-led Agriculture Based Livelihood Promotion
Women led livelihood promotion project seeking livelihoods enhancement through promotion of Vegetable Cultivation and promotion of Goat Rearing has been implemented in Mahidharpur & Serenabeda villages in Angul district of Odisha.
The project initiative began with Community Mobilization and collectivization of women swarozgaries into “Women Farmers’ Group” and “Women Swarozgaries’ Group”. Women farmers and swarozgaries have been oriented on Group Norm & Book Keeping, provided input support for Vegetable Cultivation and support for Goatery. “Training on Government Schemes and Organic Farming” has been facilitated by Deputy Director, Horticulture, Angul and Agriculture Officer, Banarpal, Angul and “Training on Goat Rearing” by Veterinary Officer, Banarpal.
Training on “Marketing of Forest Produce as Group Venture” was facilitated by a social activist engaged in promotion of marketing of forest produces. Women were oriented on maintenance of practices of cleanliness and hygiene in collection, primary processing and storage of Mahua. They were oriented on the benefits of Collective Marketing (Marketing as a Group Venture) so that they will have the bargaining power against the petty traders.

Skill Building
Skill building is an important focused activity of the organization under livelihood program. VIRD with support from development support agencies has undertaken Skill Building Trainings for the differently able youths. Skill Building Trainings on Mobile Phone Repair and Computer have been undertaken by the organization in Mahidharpur. 60 youths have been trained on Mobile Repairing and Computer providing opportunity of employment and self-employment to the trained youths.
VIRD has undertaken training of women on livelihood skill creating opportunity for them to contribute to family income and to make them self-reliant. With the Support of Sita Ram Jindal Foundation, New Delhi trainings of women on Mushroom Cultivation, Agarbati Making and Candle Making have been organized.

Rural Tribal Women Support Programme
VIRD is dedicated to raising the income and self-esteem of poor tribal women through micro entrepreneurship in Angul District, Odisha, India. Women from the project area are covered under different initiatives including training on savings and credit, group management, and general business skills, along with specific trades such as live stock management, nurseries, vegetable cultivation, agriculture allied activities and micro entrepreneurship skills. Bankers, horticulturists, agriculturalists, veterinarians, local government departments, and other agencies imparted training to them for their capacity building. We also formed sub groups consisting of 5 to 6 members, who then selected two needy women for financial support. Accordingly, a number of women from sub groups have taken financial support from the project to facilitate income generation activities like goat rearing, cow and bullock rearing, kitchen gardening, the collection and sale of minor forest produce, etc. Post involvement in different entrepreneurship activities, they are able to substantially boost their financial contribution to their family. Through improving collective savings and group work in their respective villages, they are regularly sending pupils to school, receiving health care when ill, avoiding alcohol, and participating in the village development process.
Establishment of Hostel for Girl Students with Single Parent
VIRD, with support external supporting agency has established one Hostel for 40 girl students at Chhendipada of Angul district. The hostel, in addition to providing shelter, provides food, extra tutorials and other support for their studies.

Training on Collective Marketing
Training on “Marketing of Forest Produce as Group Venture” was facilitated by a social activist engaged in promotion of marketing of forest produces. Women were oriented on maintenance of practices of cleanliness and hygiene in collection, primary processing and storage of Mahua. They were oriented on the benefits of Collective Marketing (Marketing as a Group Venture) so that they will have the bargaining power against the petty traders.

Running of ‘One Stop Centre’ at Deogarh
VIRD has established one ‘One Stop Centre (SAKHI)’ at Deogarh town of Deogarh district.
One Stop Centers (OSCs) are intended to support women affected by violence, in private and public spaces, within the family, community and at the workplace. Women facing physical, sexual, emotional, psychological and economic abuse, irrespective of age, class, caste, education status, marital status, race and culture will be facilitated with support and redressal. Aggrieved women facing any kind of violence due to attempted sexual harassment, sexual assault, domestic violence, trafficking, honor related crimes, acid attacks or witch-hunting who have reached out or been referred to the OSC will be provided with specialized services.