Under the auspices of the CEASH project, community groups have been formed and strengthened in the target villages. At present,50 women self-help groups (containing a total of 781 people) are working to improve the health and sanitation of their communities. They are also working to create income generating activities. The self-help group(SHG) members have raised Rs.9,80,871/-.The SHG members have also gotten a loan for Rs. 3,000,000/-, so that they will have capital to start their own businesses. The increase of savings as well as of the living status is a startling result within the women groups and it has been a regular practice among group members to recycle the amount at crisis periods. Today they are maintaining their own records and cooperating with government officials and do their bank linkage without any external support. Clearly, the income generating activities that the SHGs have taken part in are improving their quality of life. CEASH has also worked to raise awareness among community members regarding health practices, government involvement in the health sector and the implementation of the NREGA. The group members are making an individual effort to send their children to school more frequently and are also teaching illiterate women to read. They are also participating in PalliSabha and Gram Sabha, learning about SRH, HIV/AIDS. The SHG members are learning about health practices, issues, and services such as hand-washing, water borne disease, and breastfeeding, the role of Panchayat. The group members are not only working to educate themselves, but also their respective communities.

Phone number

+91 9438850416

Email address


Address info

At/P.O.: Hakimpada Angul, Odisha India-759143