An extension phase of the project “Sustainable development through food security” for tribal people has been implemented in Reamal Block, supporting 2 new villages along with the 3 existing villages. Self-assessment of beneficiaries regarding the upraise of the living standards In order to assess the effectiveness of the project, the community organizers created a survey to look into the changes in living standards in the beneficiaries of the 5 villages of Reamal Block, Deogarh District.

Institutional development two new villages adjacent to the project area have been added into the project, have benefited from the establishment of important institutions. Each of the villages has formed a women self-help group that strengthens women through providing learning and training opportunities. The group-members manage all credit activities themselves, such as saving and opening pass books for financial transaction. In Nehengera, the village community has formed a “Pani Panchayat” to maintain the Water Harvesting Structure and manage the water resource.

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+91 9438850416

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At/P.O.: Hakimpada Angul, Odisha India-759143